Peter Pan and Wendy (World Premiere)

Adapted by Lauren Gunderson

Based on a play by J.M. Barrie

Played at Shakespeare Theatre Company from December 3rd, 2019 though January 12th, 2020.

Creative Team:

Director: Alan Paul
Set Designer: Jason Sherwood
Costume Designer: Loren Shaw
Lighting Designer: Isabella Byrd
Projection Designer: Jared Mezzocchi
Composer: Jenny Giering
Sound Designer: John Gromada
Flying Director: Paul Rubin
Fight Director: David Leong
Choreographer: Katie Spelman
Special Effects: Jeremy Chernick
Puppet Designer: James Ortiz
Animals Trained by: William Berloni



Real World:

Wendy Darling: Sinclair Daniel
Mrs. Darling: Jenni Barber
John Darling: Christopher Flaim
Michael Darling: Chauncey Chestnut
Mr. Darling: Derek Smith
Nana: Bailey


Peter Pan: Justin Mark
Tinkerbell: Jenni Barber
Tiger Lilly: Isabella Star LaBlanc
Tootles: Francisco Gonzalez
Curly: Ronen Lewis
Twin: Darren Alford
Twin: Tendo Nsubuga
Slightly: Joriah Kwame

Director Alan Paul has a holiday hit on his hands with Peter Pan and Wendy – a show that will delight adults and children alike. It is pure, decadent fun.
— Broadway World
Allow me to introduce you to the wokest “Peter Pan” ever. Or rather, ‘Peter Pan and Wendy,’ Shakespeare Theatre Company’s sweet and saucy world premiere of Lauren Gunderson’s adaptation of J.M. Barrie’s story about the boy who wouldn’t grow up. With the help of director Alan Paul and a design team that knows a thing or two about dreamscapes and magical domains, Gunderson has rewritten the familiar script to make it clear that girls do want to grow up — to follow their hearts and maybe even win a Nobel Prize or two. Just like Marie Curie, who earned them for physics and chemistry and is the hero of this particular Wendy, played with a winning perspicacity by Sinclair Daniel.…It’s lovely to see Wendy as the most important character in the story this time — and to know that she’s going to make a fantastic grown-up.
— Peter Marks, The Washington Post
In her [Gunderson’s] new adaption, Peter Pan and Wendy (who finally gets the top billing she deserves), playwright Lauren Gunderson sets these shop-worn stereotypes on their heads in gleeful fashion. The result is a production that is every bit as magical and entrancing: both to traditionalists and the young theatergoers who giggled and cheered, unaware that they were witnessing something both old and new.
— DC Theatre Scene
Her [Gunderson’s] adaptation, Peter Pan and Wendy, is not just about magic, it is about girl power and indigenous rights; even the boy who never grows up matures a bit. And it contains just enough action and entertainment to compel you to clap and save Tinkerbell when the play reaches its iconic moment.
— Washington City Paper
Director Alan Paul and his bountifully talented cast have created a lavish production for both the eyes and ears.
— Talkin’ Broadway
What Gunderson has done in Peter Pan and Wendy, though, goes Disney one better: she has not shied from what can be known now about patriarchy and colonialism, which under Alan Paul’s inspired direction has resulted in a marvelous amalgam of awesome spectacle and mindful meaning.
— DC Metro Theatre Arts
If you need something to lift the spirits in this dark season, definitely consider “Peter Pan and Wendy,” a buoyant and sparkling new reimagining of J.M. Barrie’s classic tale adapted by Lauren Gunderson.
— MD Theatre Guide
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Photos by Scott Suchman